Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Norfolk County Council’s Budget Meeting

by Steff on 20 February, 2024

I gave the following speech at Norfolk County Council’s budget meeting today: This feels like a strange situation to be in – That, possibly the solvency of this council, and certainly the wiggle room in its budget, should turn on the final settlement from government I think goes to show how dire the funding situation […]

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My plan for housing

by Steff on 19 February, 2024

England’s housing market is profoundly unfair, with a secure home becoming increasingly impossible for millions of people, especially the young, less well off and ethnic minorities. Successive governments have pursued policies to benefit homeowners, without considering the impact on those without property. A fair deal is needed for housing, which provides for the needs of […]

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My plan for health

by Steff on 19 February, 2024

Under this Conservative Government the UK has only become sicker and is lagging far behind its international peers. Instead of taking action they have allowed our health to decline, particularly that of children.  To make matters worse, more than 7 million people are currently waiting for NHS treatment, cancer wait times targets continue to be […]

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Save Benjamin Court!

by Steff on 26 September, 2023

Today I put forward a motion, with Cllr Lucy Shires’ support, to save Benjamin Court in Cromer. My speech is below. The cabinet member’s response to Cllr Connolly’s earlier question confirms my belief: which is that this decision was taken without the appropriate public consultation.  How do you know that this is what people want, […]

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Why we (still) need an offshore ring main

by Steff on 18 July, 2023

Today I spoke in favour of a Full Council motion that called for the common sense option for the future of our renewable energy generation. This is an issue about which there is significant agreement in Norfolk.  In my communities in Melton Constable, the issue hasn’t so much been about pylons as carving up the […]

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Norfolk County Council Budget 2023

by Steff on 21 February, 2023

Earlier this morning the leader complained about being forced to raise council tax – a problem I sympathise with But it is his party that is in government!  What is the point of the Conservatives if they can’t lead the country in a joined-up way? I am a big advocate for Norfolk, and a particularly […]

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Let’s build a new kind of politics

by Steff on 3 September, 2022

I’m Steff, and I’m hoping to become our next MP here in North Norfolk. Find out more by watching this two-minute video.

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I recognise the challenges of putting together a balanced budget in these times of financial strain, and given the total lack of delivery by this ex government in waiting. And I welcome some of the alternative transport initiatives that the Cabinet Member for Finance highlighted. But he can only work with what he’s given, and […]

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During the process for passing its new plan on the future of transport in Norfolk, the Government issued a report called Decarbonising Transport A Better, Greener Britain. Given the timing of the release of this guidance the motion to adopt was not moved at Full Council in September so as to enable officers to consider […]

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Today was the first time that Norfolk County Council has met in full since just after the elections in May. This lack of democratic accountability is itself a problem: after the elections, we had two meetings in a few weeks so the administration could rush through the next steps on the Norwich Western Link, which […]

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